Mac & Cheese (chicken and bacon)

Mac & Cheese (chicken and bacon)

Is there a better comfort meal than mac & cheese?  (The answer is no haha)

Swap different cheeses or the bacon to chorizo!

If your in a rush and don't have time to make the sauce, grab a white lasange sauce (try and get the lower cal version) and it works just as well! I will add a quicker version of this using it!

Per portion - 693 KCAL P- 51G F- 26G C- 71G


Ingredients- this is for my portion

 75g raw GF Fusilli pasta which makes 170g cooked - 279 kcal


 100g Already cooked chicken breast shredded -165 kcal


 For the sauce (this makes FOUR portions - which makes it 249 per portion when divided into 4)

4 rashers of bacon with fat trimmed


 500ml of unsweetened soya milk

40g cornflour


 30g of flora lightest butter


 50g of mild cheese


 70g of Red Leicester cheese 

 Boil the pasta - as I’m GF I cook mine separately to my family who have wheat pasta.  


Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry off


Heat the butter in a pan, add half the soya milk to the butter once it’s melted whilst whisking the other half of the soya milk with the cornflour until smooth. Then add the smooth soya/cornflour combo to the pan and stir continuously whilst adding the cheese gradually. 


Keep stirring until you reach the consistency you want. (Beware! It will thicken as it cools!) 


Add the already cooked chicken into the pan with the bacon and ensure it’s completely heated through  


Drain the pasta and stir in 1/4 of the sauce, bacon & chicken 


Super quick and easy mid-week GF Mac & cheese!  




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