High protein salmon pasta

High protein salmon pasta

This super high protein pasta is amazinggggg!!

My portion:

628 kcal 46G protein 52G carbs 10G fiber 22G fat

I bought some chickpea pasta from lidl and I am obssessed!

I used:

1 Sweet chilli salmon fillet (the already cooked ones from lidl)

75g of chickpea pasta (This makes LOADS)

40g Soy Beans

40G chunky gucamole

Broccoli - I just chopped up what broccoli we had so around 50g here!


Boil the pasta, beans and broccoli together - the pasta literally takes 6 minutes! Then when cooked place all in a bowl, mix through the guacamole and place the salmon on top! So quick and easy for when you have no time!

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