High Protein GF Mac & Cheese

High Protein GF Mac & Cheese

I've used GF macaroni pasta as im GF intolerant but you can use wheat pasta instead and it will work just the same! The calories may vary so as always, make sure you adjust and weigh the pasta so you know how much your portion is!

For the sauce:

25g of cornflour

20g of flora light butter

200 milk of whole milk (again you can change this to skimmed, semi or soya works too) 

100g of red leicester Eat lean Cheese grated

Put the cornflour and butter in a pan with around 60 ml of the milk, put on a low heat and continue to stir, as it starts to thicken add a splash of milk and keep adding until your desired consistency. Then add the grated cheese and stir through. 


Boil and cook the desired amount of pasta you want. The reason I dont put exact amounts is because how much pasta you want is up to you and your targets! 

Dice and brown off some chicken, you can add some garlic if you like too as well as a little salt and pepper - but not too much salt if your adding bacon! 

Once the chicken is browned off add some chopped bacon. Again all measurements will be to your taste/appetite/ targets

Boil some greens - i used just shredded greens but you can use spinach or kale!

Then add the pasta, chicken bacon and greens to an oven proof dish. Give it all a good mix and then pour the sauce on top and mix through. Add another 100g of Eat lean cheese - I used mild for the topping! Then place in the oven until golden and crispy - usually around 15-20 minutes!

Then serve!

My portion was 500 calories and 54.4G of protein!

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