Chipotle Chicken ramen

Chipotle Chicken ramen


This was spiccyyyyy! The values below are for my portion and to my taste so if you like it spicer, add more chipotle paste if you dont - take some out! As always my recipes are meant as a guideline for you then to adapt to your taste and your life.

733 kcal 80G protein 64G Carbohydrates 6G Fiber 14G Fat

1 Chicken breast

Tesco chipotle paste - I used 20G

Aldi straight to wok rice noodles (You can sub these for other noodles)

Soy Beans - I used 40g

Half a cucumber

Around 20g of Kale

50g Beansprouts

Chicken stock (I use the stock pots as they are GF)

Tesco Miso paste - I used 20G


Cover the chicken breast in how much chipotle paste you want (IE to your taste, targets etc) and place in the oven for 25-30 minutes until cooked.

Place the stock pot in a pan with some boiling water and mix with miso paste. Fry the rice noodles in a pan along with the beansprouts. Boil the soy beans for around 5 minutes. Dont forget to season the stock and add any chilli etc that you want. Don't let it reduce too much as you want a nice amount of stock to cover the veg! (I wanted more after I poured mine in the bowl)

I spiralized the cucumber but you can use a peeler to get ribbons! Once all cooked I assembled the bowl:

Noodles, Broth, All the veg and then the chicken on top. Added a few more slices of Chilli and its done! A quick easy soul warming ramen! 

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