Burger in a bowl

Burger in a bowl

This was so easy and so yummy! You can add / adapt lots of things to your tastes and calories!

I cut some new potatoes in half sprayed them in olive oil spray and put them in the air fryer for around 20-25 minutes until next and golden 
I browned off some 5% mince in garlic, paprika , salt & pepper. In a bowl I put half a salad bag in the bottom - you can use whatever salad you have / like. I just had a bag of salad so it was super easy to chuck in! Added the potatoes, the mince and toppings such as gherkins, jalapeños and some eat lean cheese! Then topped off with some burger relish and coriander ☺️


For my portion it was: 515 kcal

71G of protein 

32G of carbs 

12G of fat


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