Mexican Chorizo Shashuka

Mexican Chorizo Shashuka


This is a superrrrr easy and tasty brunch PACKED with protein, fiber and healthy fats to keep you tummy happy and full!


My portion - 499 kcals, 34G protein, 33G carbs, 24G fat and 11G fiber.

2 eggs

28 grams of chorizo sausage (I used lidl one)

Half a tin of Taco Mixed beans

Half a tin of Tomatoes

Around 20-30G of kale


Fry and cook off the chorizo and then place aside. Put the tins of beans and tomatoes in a pan and then mix through on a gentle heat. Add the Kale and again mix through. Then make a small well in the middle and place both your eggs in. Cover with a pan lid until the eggs are cooked for your liking. I like mine runny so its around 5-6 minutes. Then add the chorizo on top a few extra chilli flakes (if you like) and its done!

The fun part is getting it into a bowl (haha)!

You can always add a piece of bread to dip into your yolks too if you like!

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